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            The two men sat in the vastness of a deserted library. The library was covered in dust and spider webs. The books were unused and hadn’t been read in centuries. The year is 2297

            Correctly, the older man is a human being, and the other can only be described as “something different”.

            The withered bent-over man is close to 500 years old, bald, but with a full flowing white beard. His eyes are sunken and he appears as if he hasn’t eaten in days. His clothing is stark white, mainly a smock that has failed to protect his white trousers and shirt. He wears sock-like coverings on his feet. He is old, but demands respect, not for his age, but his intelligence. His name is Atlothan and he is a teacher.

            The other “something different” figure, at one time could have been a human being, but constant manipulative inbreeding has taken away even the slightest detail in the resemblance of his once ever being born a living human person.

            This simulation of a living being is half the size and weight of the old man. The figure wears no clothing, only a thin membrane of pinkish skin covers his entire body.

            Body is a misnomer, for it has no remaining features that once evolved from the human race. His two legs, now fused together, are without joints, shortened, and exhibit one massive cloven hoof. The body floats a pre-distanced elevation above the earth. The rest of the body is shapeless, undefined, and can best be described as a floating torso. It moves by thought.

            What had at one time been arms are now two giant curved claws that extend from the upper torso. The head has no mouth, nose, ears, or eyes and what remaining evidence of these once facial features are drawn tight under the pink membrane.

            One giant dark vision organ extends from the forehead of this creature. The complex eye never closes or blinks. There are no lids to shield its vision, nor does the pupil dilate or expand according to the availability of light.

            There are no open orifices of any type on the creature. The creature manufactures no body waste and its nourishment is obtained by a diffusion of nutrients suspended in a light that is absorbed through his semipermeable pink membrane of skin.

            This feature-less lump of humanity is a thoughtful genetically altered humanoid, a member of the ruling class of the world. The creature’s name is Loch.

            I do not doubt my father’s sincerity, only his intentions, thought Loch to his constant companion Atlothan.

            I read his thoughts, his distrust, and unwillingness to cooperate with humanoids. He may be biologically my father, but he is still not a true humanoid. He is a sub-human, who by all appearances passes as a perfect humanoid.

            How did he ever reach such intellectual and informative heights as to be a teacher to others?

            From what I have discovered through genetic research, my mother Pilastria, was far superior in intellect and logic than he was.

            “Now, now, Loch, you know that the celebrated Council of the Elders determined that he was indeed a true humanoid and that the ability to think thoughts to others and preach the profound intelligence that he chooses is but a mere malfunction of the humanoid gene in the early development of humans.

            “If you distrust his intentions in a communication, you should bring it before the Council. They are most partial to you and your desires, Loch.

            “Remember it is wiser to allow others to prove your mistrust in this man and not you. Be the guiding force behind their investigations and queries. That way, if anything goes wrong, you will not be held accountable.”

            You speak wisdom, old man, but not wisely.

            My father, Ghirlandaio, is cautious in exposing his limited brain power in my presence without the interaction of others in attendance.

            I have disproved his contention that the shift in the axial tilt from 23 degrees - 27’ to 31 degrees - 9’ in the Earth’s relation to the sun is not caused by the corruptive en masse weight of the ocean waters concentrated in what was once known as The Mid Atlantic Trench. In addition, his coordinates of the axial tilt are incorrect.

            I have demonstrated, to the absolute concurrence of the entire Superior Council of Logic by advanced celestial calculations, that this orb that we live on now rotates at a more oblique axis tilt. This axis tilt is 34 degrees – 26’, and the actual ellipsoid shape circumscribing the once latitudinal location of the Equator at 0 degrees 0’ is now situated at a circuitous angle reaching from what once was the Tropic of Cancer: 23 degrees, 26’ -  22” North to the Tropic of Capricorn: 23 degrees, 26’ - 22” South.

            The mere differential of 7 degrees of axial tilt has put the once frozen Arctic and the Antarctic continents in temperate melting zones.

            Furthermore, his miscalculation of the weight of water versus that of stone, molten or not, defies even common knowledge. He is misinformed in his thinking that the sudden appearance of the change in the axis tilt is caused by the purported excess amount of ocean water in the Mid Atlantic Trench. One cubic foot of water, even if infused with sodium chloride, weights 62 ½ pounds, while stone, molten or not, and of an average geological sedimentation, weighs 145 to 160 pounds per cubic foot.

            I can do the math in my head. The trench is approximately 24,800 miles in length, 44 miles wide, and 13,120 meters in depth, ergo, since water seeks its own level, 277 Sextillion pounds of water now fills the crevasse.

            277,085,500,457,228,111,650 pounds of water is the actual number, if you are interested, Atlothan – give or take a few drops. Whereas the land mass now extends upward through the entire western coastline of the Americas at a height of over 37,000 to 40,000 feet and averages 63.6 miles across. That puts the total land mass added to the existing earth’s crust at over 709 Sextillion pounds.

            That, my learned friend, is enough to create the ellipsoid shape and throw the axial tilt into its new position.

            “Loch, you are always correct, but I still do not understand your animosity against your poor father. Other than his verbose recitations of logical things he has expounded upon and fed into the ancient central intelligence devices provided by the Council of Knowledge, he means no harm in his stupidity.”

            The year was 2157 and I observed what was about to happen for myself.

            “I remember low-lying islands caught between the two massive continents of South America and the United States crashing into each other and being completely destroyed, Atlothan explained.  

            Yes, Atlothan, but the North American Plate stayed relatively stationary while large mountains of rock began pushing upward thousands and thousands of feet along the once Gulf of Mexico coastline. The Caribbean Plate and the entire continent of South America smashed under the North American Plate and returned from being solid rock back into the Earth’s molten lava once again.  

            Within days, the entire coastal lines of Alaska, Northwest America down to the Los Angeles San Andres Fault, Baja California, Mexico and the Nazca Plate on the west side of South America were now thousands of feet higher in the sky. The entire Pacific Ocean floor cascaded deep down under the bedrock of the once pristine coastline and forced new mountain ridges upward to unheard of elevations, some over 40,000 feet, and some miles higher than Mount Everest.

            Every tectonic plate known to humankind in the year 2190 was in motion. Greenland was pushed into and under Canada and the Northwest Territories. Iceland was nowhere to be found. Twenty-three European nations from Spain to Finland were buried beneath the earth of Russia and Kazakhstan. The enormous Eurasian Plate was now three times as large as it had ever been with the joining of the Indian Plate, the Mariana Plate with its numerous deep trenches facing Japan, China, the Philippines, Australia, and the entire Indonesian island group of over thirty nations.

            Of the six known continents of the world, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, North America, and South America, there were now only two continents: Eurasia and Islamaga.

            “What I had once known as Europe, was now totally gone,” bemoaned Atlothan.  “Uberlebende, a small holdout cluster of German refugees, clung to life and their tenacious ancient customs on frozen rocks kilometers from the Eurasian Continent.”

            From garnered memory discs and the few readable references that the ancients called books the supreme transformed humanoid and his teacher had reconstructed the statistics of the world’s population.

            In the census of the year 2100, the world population was 18,631,185,316. This was 5.05 times the 1970 official count. The final tragic shifting of the continental plates would not occur for another 57 years.

            The world of only two continents progressed into definite directions with the development of the humanoid population as the ruling authority of all the people.

            The few remaining unaffected humans and sub-humanoids who had failed to complete their transformation into the exact same image of Loch, totaled less than five and a half million people and their numbers were dropping rapidly through the government’s attack of ostentation and discrimination as well as deprivation of basic daily essentials in order for them to live.

            Humans over the age of 250 years were exempt from extermination. Subhuman and the illiterate eunuch class were left to die on their own.


            It was a foolish experiment, thought Loch, as he ran his finger claw down the center path of the Arecibo encoded message.

            The long shaft of zero’s and one’s was chosen in the mid-1950’s, by Dr. Frank Drake, astronomer and astrophysicist, along with his fellow Cornell University professor, Carl Sagan, as the model for the 3-minute message they hoped to send into far distant outer space aimed at the star cluster, Messier 13.

            The message was transmitted on November 16, 1974 from the Arecibo Radio Telescope snuggled in a valley off the coast of Puerto Rico.

            The star cluster was thousands and thousands of light-years from earth.  M13, in the long ago 20th Century was located near the edge of the Milky Way galaxy.

            It was estimated that the short transmission of the 1,697 binary digits or approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a frequency of 2,380 MHz and at a power of 1,000 kw would arrive at Messier 13 in 25,000 light-years. If heard and understood by a recipient of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) one-time broadcast, it would then take another 25,000 light-years for a return message.

            Loch believed the grand noble experiment was compromised from the very first byte of zeros and ones ever broadcast.

            The obvious real purpose of such a message was not to actually make contact with another habitable planet, but merely to demonstrate the capabilities of the advanced science of the 20th Century. Everyone knew, at that time, that M13 would no longer be in that location if the message ever did arrive.

            Loch closed the ancient visualization screen on the strange ancient piece of equipment called a computer. He moved the mouse by thought transmission to the off position. The screen went black.

            Loch seldom spoke aloud to himself, but when he did, it was usually profound and worthy of being listened to by others. This was when his thought-speech became audible.

            “It is most symbolic that this is called a mouse, for when I click its operation with my claw or mind, it ceases its operation to the main computer. It is dead for all intensive purposes until I restart the machine again. Such has been the fate of the rodent by the same name, Rodentia, on earth.

            “The upward moving organization of the humanoids were intent on eradicating the rodents, as they had successfully done with hundreds of other species.

            “The Council of Theory first determined that the Felis catus domesticus, the common cat, had no purpose or usefulness in continuing to live amongst the peoples who inhabited the earth, and by law ordered the eradication of any associated member of this familia.

            “The next domesticated and wild animal to completely disappear was any member of the Canidae family, the canis familiaris . . . the common dog.”

            Great opposition came from the remote eastern regions, once known as China for the removal of this popular food staple from their land, now known as Asiantia, the largest super land mass continent on earth.

            The nations once known as Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and even Australia were now resting under or on top of this Asian land mass. All ethnic races had merged into a new class of people called Asiantians.


            Loch’s brilliant mind encoded the image of the returned Arecibo message when it arrived from M13. He directed his brain to visualize the entire message at one time, all 496 bytes or 3,107 binary digits of zeros and ones, that composed the reply sent from M13, still thought to be a distance of 25,000 light-years away.

            Loch’s teacher, Atlothan, was unable to read the message, even with his vast intelligence.

            “Loch, there is an explanation to everything. Nothing is unknown, the meaning and use of anything may be presently unknown to you, but the answer, supposition, theorem, and hypothesis of anything can be logically found.”

            I understand, Atlothan, but why would the ancient ones undertake such a ridiculous impossible venture in the first place?

            I have completed the calculations and the ancient ones were far from correct in their estimate of the distance to M13. There simple 25,000 light-years is trillions of kilometers short. I can visualize the correct figure into your brain if you wish, but it will take more than a nanosecond and I am concerned that your seeing their error as a single number may damage your cortex cerebral hemisphere.

            You must remember that one single light years is equal to 5,878,499,810,00 miles or 9,460,528,400,000 kilometers in distance.

            Trust me Atlothan, they were off by nearly 64,000 light-years. The planet M13 is 84,198,702,760,000,000 kilometers from our planet or roughly 89,000 light years off into space.  

            “Loch, I was confident that you would discover their error, but can you justify through reasoning of how the return message was sent and received by someone on M13 and then returned in 347 earth years?”

            Pure logic dictates that it took approximately 174 of our years to get there and another 174 for their message to be returned to us, Loch thought.

            Atlothan, I will not venture into time-warp or the use of speed routes between galaxies at this time. More important is the deciphering of their message to us.

            The exact sequence of the binary digits have been entered into my mind and my superior thought computer is organizing and locating similar strand sequences of repetition.

            I have been able to identify all but 478 binary units, but as we speak, the remaining unidentified binary units are now coming into place.

            Do you wish me to visualize the message onto your brain, or do you wish it etched on a metal based plate using your obsolete method called peniculus?

            “Do not be smart, Loch. Visualize the image to my brain first and then complete the etching onto the metal plate, so that I may refer to it at my leisure and further consideration.”


            “Dear planet, once called Earth,

                        How amusing to receive your little message that you

            call Arecibo and the information that it contained.

                        We of Đæguř have studied your little planet for thousands

            of your earth years. Đæguř is approximately 200 times as large as

            your planet. We have a total of 27 celestial planets in our solar system

            and two suns, one is slowly dying out and moving away from our galaxy. We have no ‘moon’ as you call your closest neighboring planet, but our recessing smaller sun casts light during the dark hours that our sun, or Chromosphere, as we call it, ellipsis to the far side of our planet.

                        Your calendar of atomic elements was also amusing to our

            scientists even though we have studied your planet for meþlâcøńs of your earth years. Our scientists speculate that given time your chemist will

            discover the 34 other elements missing from your periodic table.

                        With your rapid development of the Humanoid bodies of your

            people, your 1974 graphic figure of a then human, who represented the

            majority of mankind, is no longer relevant, is it?

                        We, of the planet Đæguř do not wish to demean your

            sciences, but our entire knowledge committee cannot determine

            the purpose of what you call a radio telescope.

                        Our scientific examination of your planet over the past

            meþlâcøńs has given us a far better understanding of your planet

            than what you possess at this time.

                        The Earth’s Humanoid transformation must be almost complete by

            now, as it was by thought transmission that we received your Arecibo  Message so many meþlâcøńs ago.

                        It is the desire of Planet Đæguř, that your supreme scientist and logistician follow the enciphered directions within this message and to   contact us directly by thought transmission.

                        Expedience in this matter is most grave, as your planet, Earth, will

            cease to exist after 09:40:12 on the third day of Eolithia, the month you      call the beginning of fall, in Earth’s year, 2346.


                                                                                    Extreme Knowledger of
