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Welcome to LITERATE SUNDAY - the world’s only anonymous reading and writer organization. We are dedicated to both new and careered writers in over 20 nations across the globe.




            I had been dying to stroll through those dark tunnels of green and black night.

            Isabella wanted it too.

            We met up upon the dirt path behind the abandoned shack on the outskirts of the forest. It was black and the wind was a voice blown down from the forest hills between the thick
            I wanted to say things. To charm her, anything.

            When she came up around the bend of the shack I could already see the color of her movement before her pale face shone in the moonlight. It was crimson, pure velvet crimson. Then she came.

            She stretched out her hand and laced her cool fingers between mine. From a flash smile she led me, barefoot, out and up into the darkness tunnel.
            We moved beat by beat.

            "Out here,” she whispered a hush of rustling leaves, "your own heartbeat is an echo."

            Up above the trees covered us, arching out a tunnel of spinning green and black.
             No one has secrets out here, I thought. It was impossible to keep the old ones since it was here all the new ones were born.
             "Let's stop here," she said, kneeling before a hollowed trunk of an old growth.
            Then she brought out a bottle. The cold black liquid swirled inside and she uncapped it and the metal rang. Twigs broke and creatures purred as the first of our drinks went down. I could feel the moist dirt between my fingertips. With dizziness our lips met and the moon somewhere above shone bright and through the ceiling of the trees were cast white slivers.

            Satyrs began to creep along the perimeter and the taste of the liquid was a wet kiss between our mouths. I slipped my fingers through her long wisps of hair and cupped her aquiline neck and she brought me back and stared.

            I felt no taste off her lips. Her eyes were empty and sheen. I was kissing a ghost. I could see right through her.

            She traced a silhouette smile.
            "There's nothing," I said.
            She nestled on her front paws, arched and asked me:

            "What else did you expect?"

            To this I laid back into the tendrils of pines that had fallen that day and the days before. The smoke from my cigarette slithered its way up and up and the stars behind the curtain of tree limbs hung delightful like radiant pieces of a broken up god and in the cool of the night all I
could think about was the velvet crimson and I knew that all of us up here in these great old woods away from the land and sea of memory, cut from the body of society and lost perhaps forever in this lush green forest, had been bent too close to the electric wire, wanting the tremor, the buzz that slipped into our half-dull slits, hungry for the dirt and thirsty for the sea.

            Isabella then clutched the muddy soil on her knees, her claws digging in, pulling out the roots from the belly of the Earth. She was above me now and her eyes became globes of fire and her smile a white sliver of the reflected moon.
            "My name is not Isabella." Her wicked skin shone off the fire of her eyes. Behind her the still shadows began to quake and laugh.

             "I know," I said. "I know."

            Is it Angels that make men see their fears?

            A sort of Jesus passage?

            Or is it fear that makes men see Angels?

            Or ghosts in forests? Or love in the shadows?

            "Stop thinking," she laid her body onto mine.

            Now covered by her mist, I inhaled her into my nostrils, feeling the burn, down into my throat, into my lungs and with a tight hold I kept her there in my stomach. I would keep her there for a very long time. And then I was alone again, at the foot of the old growth redwood, back in the layered wood, alone with nothing but the crickets and the green and black infinite.