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Welcome to LITERATE SUNDAY - the world’s only anonymous reading and writer organization. We are dedicated to both new and careered writers in over 20 nations across the globe.

$5.50 On A Sunday Afternoon Because We Work On Weekdays.

$5.50 On A Sunday Afternoon Because We Work On Weekdays.

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They paired me up with her again. So many of us now than when we started. Used  to think we’d end up like those stories of people gone missing, but now I think I’m finally  starting to see light at the end of the hole. She was happy to see me. Just like I hoped  she’d be. We went through hell to find each other. I count at least seven different species  now since the Thermals arrived. Dazzle says one day we’ll all be replaced and those  legends that haunt us will finally come true. I tell her she’s paranoid and I wrap myself  around her and we wait our turn.  


Dazzle and I were tossed around together. Sifted through to the back and left to  ourselves in the corner. I don’t think they can see us back here and I tell Dazzle we can  hide forever here in the dark. They’ll never find us here. She showed me the parts of  herself that have fallen apart. I show her the parts of myself still intact. We realize how  different we are. I say that’s why we’re so good for each other. She says that’s why we’ll  never be paired together again. I notice her grey tips and I worry she may be right.  


Heard Dobby and Jute screaming. It woke me up and I wrapped myself around  Dazzle tight enough not to let her wake from the noise. They took Jute from him. It didn’t 

matter how similar she was to Dobby or how well they worked together for the months  they’ve been here. It didn’t matter that they loved each other. They took her away and  they paired her with one of the darks. I heard Dobby shouting so loud he began to shred  his chords. I tried telling him to calm down; that if he shredded himself he wouldn’t last  long enough to see her return. He told me she’d been paired with a dark. A thermal dark.  Dazzle awoke. Together we slumped deeper into our corner.  


They threatened us. We managed to bury ourselves so deep they couldn’t find us,  but I tell you they were angry and they barreled through the lot of us like we were dated  luxury items ready for disposal. Jute had yet to return. Dobby hadn’t spoken in days and  we were down to only a few remaining couples. Thermals were nowhere to be found.  Dazzle and I talked about our earliest memories. Hers was more abstract and surprisingly  optimistic. She talked of children and small fingers. All I could remember were the  machines.  


Finally they found us. They pulled us out from the dark and dissolved our  warmth. We’d been hiding for days and it was finally time to work. Dazzle and I together  were like feed and needle. With each step we kept warm, we kept form and we kept our  spirits high. I tickled her in the moments we touched. Though we soon found ourselves  enclosed in their devices and I worried the next time I saw her she’d be falling apart at  the seams and we’d no longer be paired together again. It worried me so that I could not 

perform to my best abilities. I got wet, cold and I shrunk before I shred. I could do  nothing to stop the forces to which it was my duty to obstruct. It seemed the world was out to get me. I pushed at the walls of my locked coffin, screaming for Dazzle to hear me.  I shred myself just like Dobby had.  

At the end of the day they released me. My job done. I felt no fear greater than the  one of me entering that device again until today –in those few seconds before they let her  go. She came out damp, tired and dragging. Her spirit gone, and her integrity pulled to  the depths of the hole in which they threw us. I tried to reach her, but I couldn’t.  


I found Jute. She lay along the walls of our hole clinging to it for stability. I tried  talking to her, asking what had happened and assuring her that Dobby was still around  and waiting for her. I couldn’t believe how damp she still was. Half of her had grown  stale and stained in brown while the other half still wet and creating a stench that led me  to her in the first place. I feared Dazzle would look the same way if I ever found her.  Before Jute could speak the Thermals made their way to me and they spoke in tones  much deeper than anyone I’d ever come across.  

We are the way, we are the only choice left and we will survive to see your  demise.  


The day of renewal had come. The day I find Dazzle; the moment we reunite and  I cling to her so tightly that they have no choice but to pair us together again. Our 

electricity will be so bright we’ll be the first to be picked. Picked and paired. I looked for  her as they pulled me out from the hole. I looked for her through the blocking limbs of  the Thermals. I looked for her through bubbles, holding my breath I searched the entire  sea for her grey tips. I fought the cycling battery of heat in hell and still no sign. They  picked me up and laid me down and told me I’d be hell to pair up again. I peeked through  the rest of us to see Jute in the mix. Pulled from hell, she was quickly stretched and then tossed aside. She would not be coming back.  


I wedged myself back into our corner. I waited for Dazzle. What felt like decades  alone ended when someone finally came to meet me. It was Dobby. We clung to each  other. We talked about the parts of ourselves that have fallen apart. We talked about the  parts of our wives that were still intact. I didn’t tell him about Jute, and I feared what he  may be holding back from me about Dazzle. In another few days it’ll be our turn to work  again and maybe we don’t make it back. We’ll make it to wherever they took our other  halves.